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Lights Out: Load Shedding's Role in Rising Emigration Numbers

loadshing in a big city in South Africa

Professionals emigrating from South Africa

Load Shedding's Role in Rising Emigration Numbers

Amidst the flickering lights and darkness brought on by load shedding, an unsettling trend is emerging in South Africa. Not only are citizens grappling with the frustrations of an unreliable power supply, but it appears that Eskom's failures are also driving people to pack their bags and seek greener pastures abroad. Experts in the property sector have noticed a steady increase in emigration numbers, with load shedding being identified as a significant contributing factor to this migration wave.

The Surge in Emigration Numbers

According to FNB property sector strategist, John Loos, the number of South Africans selling their homes to emigrate has skyrocketed in the past five years. The figures have surged from a mere 2% in 2013 to a staggering 10% by the end of 2018. While Loos acknowledges that Eskom is not solely to blame, he firmly believes that the power utility plays a crucial role in shaping sentiments and decisions of ordinary South Africans. Eskom's unreliability has undoubtedly contributed to the surge in emigration figures, but what exactly drives people to make the life-changing decision to leave their homeland?

People  rushing to get plane to emigrate
The Impact of Load Shedding

John Dunn, the immigration manager at Sable International, sheds light on this enigmatic migration phenomenon. He echoes Loos' sentiments, emphasizing the impact of load shedding on the nation's economy and future prospects. "Load shedding places a strain on the economy and the overall outlook of the country. The uncertainty, especially with talks of Stage 5 and Stage 6, pushes people to look for ways to improve their situation, and emigration becomes one of those options."

The Broader Conundrum

Load shedding, however, is not the sole culprit; it's merely part of a broader conundrum. The exponential rise in emigration numbers can also be attributed to a series of other critical issues that have plagued the country in recent times. Among these concerns are the feelings of instability following the abrupt change of three finance ministers in five days back in 2015, uncertainties surrounding land reform, potential plans to nationalize the reserve bank, mismanagement of state-owned enterprises (SOEs), and the distressing evidence of government corruption.

The Final Push

For many South Africans, load shedding acts as the final push they need to make a decision they have been wrestling with for some time. Dunn notes that people find themselves in a "now or never" mindset when calculating the costs of immigration. "A significant number of South Africans consider their homes as their primary or only assets. As the costs of emigration continue to rise, some individuals can only meet the financial requirements by selling their major assets or properties."

The allure of a stable and secure future abroad, coupled with the frustration of ongoing load shedding, creates a potent catalyst for emigration. As the darkness of uncertainty persists, more and more South Africans are choosing to follow the beacon of opportunity that shines beyond their country's borders. Whether this emigration trend will subside or intensify remains to be seen. However, what is evident is that load shedding has not only dimmed the lights in South Africa but has also cast a shadow on its future as citizens seek new horizons. As the nation grapples with its energy crisis and broader challenges, it's a crucial moment for leaders to address the concerns of their people and inspire hope for a brighter tomorrow.

Planning to emigrate but unable to take care of your beloved doggies? SA Yorkie Rescue is here to offer compassionate assistance in rehoming them to loving forever homes. Contact us now for a seamless and caring rehoming process. Your furry friends deserve the best!

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